Monday, July 06, 2009

Top 10 REAL reasons Sarah Palin is quitting

I blatantly stole this from a comment on, but can't find a reliable way to link to the original post, so my apologies and thanks to lilsuzq32:

Top 10 Real Reasons Sarah Palin Is Resigning As Governor:

10. She's pregnant again and is having John Edwards' baby.

9. She's "hiking the Appalachian Trail" with Mark Sanford.

8. She wants to spend more time teaching abstinence to her family.

7. She's joining the cast of "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!"

6. She wants to spend more time watching Russia from her house.

5. She wants to devote herself full-time to making comedians apologize for all the new jokes they're going to tell about her.

4. Her daughter Bristol actually IS having Alex Rodriguez's baby.

3. She's taking up Playboy's offer to pose nude as part of their upcoming "Governors Gone Wild" issue.

2. She came to the end of the Bridge to Nowhere that is her political career.

1. She didn't resign at all. It was an elaborate hoax pulled off by Tina Fey.

Have any better? Post them in the comments section.