Sunday, March 02, 2008


Well, today was the REAL start of the Iditarod up in Alaska.

I can't begin to explain my infatuation with the sport of dog mushing, it's just something that appeals to me on a very... primal level. The challenge of man and beast working together against some of the harshest conditions possible is just something that I feel you just have to respect. To travel 1100 miles, over mountain ranges and frozen rivers at temperatures that can drop to -60 Fahrenheit in hurricane strength winds is something that I just have to try.

To that end, I am trying to find some "local" mushers to train me and show me the ropes. Not that anyone reads this, but if you happen across it on a Google search or something and happen to know someone in the Cincinnati region, help a brutha out and let me know.

Till such a time, I'll live vicariously on and continue to dream of competing in the last great race.